Cheshire's high and Aesthetics, beauty and hair

The Shrine take complaints very seriously and try to ensure that all of our clients are pleased with their experience of our service. When clients complain, they are dealt with courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible.


This procedure is based on these objectives.

Our aim is to react to complaints in the way in which we would want our complaint about a service to be handled. We learn from every mistake that we make and we respond to clients’ concerns in a caring and sensitive way. The person responsible for handling any complaint about the service which we provide is Kimberly Bates, the clinical director.

Aesthetics for men and women

If you are concerned about the appearance of lines and wrinkles, you might be considering an anti-ageing injection treatment. We offer a variety of treatment options to both men and women for improving the signs of facial ageing and we are renowned for injectable treatments. Practitioners are all fully trained, experienced and qualified in the field of aesthetics and the administration of anti-wrinkle treatments. Shrine Luxury prides itself on offering superior, quality skin treatments delivered by an elite aesthetic practitioner with value-for-money prices.

Beauty and hair extensions

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Skin specialists

Our skin care treatment combats the signs of aging and pores. By treating the skin’s texture and the fine lines we leave your skin firmer and healthier with a beautiful radiant glow. There are different treatments options to treat fine lines, wrinkles, saggy skin, scars, acne, dark spots and hyper-pigmentation. Skin care goes hand in hand with injectable treatments.


About us

Shrine Luxury Aesthetics was established in 2019 and has quickly grown to become a leading provider of non-surgical cosmetic and anti-ageing skin treatments in the North West of England, specialising in injectable treatments.

We wish to inspire you with confidence.

Our objective is that looking younger isn’t the main aim, it is our joy to restore your confidence whilst enhancing your natural external appearance, Providing you with beautiful and effective results.

Same day treatment.

please book a consultation without treatment If you do not intend to have treatment straightaway.

There is no rush, we want you to feel as sure of us as we feel about what we do.


What our clients say


Succes storises

We will acknowledge the client’s complaint in writing and enclose a copy of this code of practice as soon as possible, normally within three working days. We will offer to discuss the complaint at a time agreed with the client, asking how they would like to be kept informed of developments, for example, by telephone, face to face meetings, letters or e-mail. We will inform the client about how the complaint will be handled and the likely time that the investigation will take to be completed. If they do not wish to discuss the complaint, we will still inform them of the expected timescale for completing the process.

We will seek to investigate the complaint speedily and efficiently and we will keep the client regularly informed, as far as reasonably practicable, as to the progress of the investigation. Investigations will normally be completed within 10 working days.


Book a appointment

When we have completed our investigation, we will provide the client with a full written report. The report will include an explanation of how the complaint has been considered, the conclusions reached in respect of each specific part of the complaint, details of any necessary remedial action and whether the practice is satisfied with any action it has already taken or will be taking as a result of the complaint. Proper and comprehensive records are kept of any complaint received as well as any actions taken to improve services as a consequence of a complaint.